How to add PHP 8.1.24 to Ubuntu 22.04

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You’re running the default PHP 8.1.22 on Ubuntu 22.04 and need to update to 8.1.24. Fortunately, the ondrej/php repository includes 8.1.22 so you can just remove the existing php, add ondrej/php and then install 8.1.24. Check version on Ubuntu Remove PHP Note: we are keeping /etc/…php.ini because we want to keep the config file —… Continue reading How to add PHP 8.1.24 to Ubuntu 22.04

wkhtmltopdf error network status code 4 and http status code 0

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You might get the following error/s with wkhtmltopdf : Error: Failed to load, with network status code 4 and http status code 0 – Socket operation timed outWarning: Failed loading page Or exit with code 1 due to network error: timeouterror First, try cURLing your site: If that fails, it is because DNS is… Continue reading wkhtmltopdf error network status code 4 and http status code 0

Running Docker on a Windows 10 Hyper-V

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You are running Windows 10/11 on your machine with Hyper-V installed. You are also running a Windows 10 Hyper-V Virtual Machine. When installing Docker you will get a notification that WSL is having issues so you will update it. Run PowerShell as Administrator: And Docker will still fail so you will: It might fail because… Continue reading Running Docker on a Windows 10 Hyper-V

GitLab: couldn’t execute POST against Post “”: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

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When registering your runner, you might get this certificate error. In this case we’re using GoDaddy wildcards on our servers (for reasons). Simple fix on the Runner itself: This will copy the target server’s ( CRT into the Runner’s /etc/gitlab-runner/certs/ folder. Make sure you are using the complete FQDN as the cert name must match… Continue reading GitLab: couldn’t execute POST against Post “”: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

How to move MySQL to another drive in CentOS

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This article covers the basic steps of moving a database to a new folder. It includes moving the db, as well as resetting SELinux/Apparmor policies. Depending on the OS configuration, MySQL may be running the /root mount where it is installed by default. There may be more drive space available in the /home directory. In… Continue reading How to move MySQL to another drive in CentOS

Migrating On Prem GitLab EE to Azure VM

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Here’s what worked for me: I replaced LDAP with OAuth 2.0 Upgrade GitLab I upgraded to the latest from 13.6.0. It took a long time going through all the different steps because I was major versions behind. I attempted at 13.6.0 but it just wasn’t working. Here are my steps for reference: yum install gitlab-ee-13.6.0-ee.0.el7… Continue reading Migrating On Prem GitLab EE to Azure VM

Windows 2016 – Windows Cannot Access…

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Accessing Network Status and other features as Administrator generates this error C:\windows\system32\control.exe Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item. How to solve the problem Run > gpedit.msc Computer Configuration->Windows Settings->Security Settings->Local Policies->Security Options Enable “User Account Control: Admin Approval Mode for the… Continue reading Windows 2016 – Windows Cannot Access…

Add additional SSH user to Amazon Lightsail

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Configuring Lightsail Network To make sure you can connect, make sure that Port 22 (default) is open. If you have a fixed IP address, make sure to check “Restrict to IP address” and add your address/es. Remotely Connecting Before we set up the server, let’s go over a couple key items: You’ve create the instance… Continue reading Add additional SSH user to Amazon Lightsail

How to turn on TLS 1.2 in Windows 2019

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Windows 2019 TLS 1.2

Update the Windows Registry Start > Run > regedit Registry path: HKLM SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols Open TLS 1.2 For both Client and Server, double click Enable and set the REG_DWORD to 1. Click Ok, then reboot (but see below first). Lockdown various protocols for IIS While you’re configuring TLS, you may as well lock down IIS. The… Continue reading How to turn on TLS 1.2 in Windows 2019