Remove annoying beep sound on Windows Subsystem for Linux

Published on Author JF2 Comments

When using BASH on WSL, by default it will constantly beep at you while using the TAB key, etc. Here’s how to remove it: nano ~/.inputrc Scroll down and remove the # comment from: #set bell-style none Close and re-open Bash. Vi also has a bell sound (I prefer Nano for whatever reason). In that… Continue reading Remove annoying beep sound on Windows Subsystem for Linux

SSH on Windows 10 – Goodbye PuTTy!

Published on Author JFLeave a comment

Update 2-2018: not so fast. Wait another six months and try again. PuTTY is still the most useful for now 🙁 The Dev Ops software development model left Microsoft Windows behind some time ago, but Microsoft is fighting back with a native Linux sub-system in Windows 10! Here’s how to install it and mercifully use,… Continue reading SSH on Windows 10 – Goodbye PuTTy!