How to kill tasks by username using Windows command line

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Open CMD or PowerShell as administrator. taskkill /? Review the options. tasklist To see the running tasks. What I found interesting is that I had a bunch of winword.exe running. If I did: taskill winword.exe It would give me an error and say it couldn’t find winword.exe However, if I did it by filtering by… Continue reading How to kill tasks by username using Windows command line

Output Microsoft Windows installed features to a file

Published on Author JFLeave a comment

Use PowerShell to output a list of installed features This requires a couple steps. I ran this in Microsoft Windows 2012 R2. YMMV. I was in a rush and didn’t feel like figuring out why you have to do step 1. Create a folder called log and text file called iis.log somewhere. I used C… Continue reading Output Microsoft Windows installed features to a file