2001: A Space Odyssey – simplified

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Yes, there are many theories and some supported in one way or another about the meaning of the film. But, in truth, it is just a very cleverly executed movie. So, let’s just get down to it because, as interesting as it can be to delve into the theoretical meaning/s, it really just comes to… Continue reading 2001: A Space Odyssey – simplified

Microsoft updates Notepad to cover more ground in the Mac dev war!

Published on Author JFLeave a comment

The most interesting part about this is how much Microsoft wants to become the de facto web dev environment that Mac currently rules and this little change speaks to that. Here’s the MSDN blog describing the changes. In addition, however, is the Windows Subsystem for Linux. What MS has done is allow a “native” version… Continue reading Microsoft updates Notepad to cover more ground in the Mac dev war!