Vagrant status is “running” but VirtualBox shows “Powered Off” Windows 10

Published on Author JFLeave a comment

You’ve installed Vagrant and run vagrant up and then vagrant ssh successfully. You then start VirtualBox Manager and it shows that it is powered off: In order to see the actual status, press SHIFT then right-click on the icon for Virtual Box, then click Run as Administrator You will see that it reports the VM… Continue reading Vagrant status is “running” but VirtualBox shows “Powered Off” Windows 10

Problem Installing Laravel Homestead on Windows 8 & 10

Published on Author JFLeave a comment

I was having issues with installing Laravel Homestead on my Windows 10 (and Windows 8) laptop: I installed Vagrant and VirtualBox, rebooted, and was then following these instructions. Note: you should have Git already installed and use Git Bash for running these commands, not Windows CMD, although I started with CMD. I ran this: C:\Users\Data>vagrant… Continue reading Problem Installing Laravel Homestead on Windows 8 & 10