How to install OpenVas 9 on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial

Published on Author JF

This installation covers my experience with installing only OpenVas VERSION 9 on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial only. There are a variety of resources out there that will help you install previous versions like these: Again, this works for Verion 9 only. Update Ubuntu sudo lsb_release -a sudo apt-get -y update && upgrade sudo reboot (if possible) Add… Continue reading How to install OpenVas 9 on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial

How to install PHP Manager in IIS 10 or higher

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PHP Manager is a useful tool for configuring PHP in IIS. It is no longer supported, however, and a Registry trick is required to install it. Overview PHP Manager allows you to configure multiple versions of PHP for multiple VHosts on an IIS server. While it adds some overhead to the configuration, it can be… Continue reading How to install PHP Manager in IIS 10 or higher

Why Net Neutrality Is So Important

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Here’s my reasoning of what Net Neutrality is so important: Those who control the medium control the message. The following are easy ways to understand the entire argument against keeping Net Neutrality: Hollywood came to exist because it could control manufacturing and distribution of content through cinemas/theaters. The invention of the motion film medium meant that stage and then… Continue reading Why Net Neutrality Is So Important

SSH on Windows 10 – Goodbye PuTTy!

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Update 2-2018: not so fast. Wait another six months and try again. PuTTY is still the most useful for now 🙁 The Dev Ops software development model left Microsoft Windows behind some time ago, but Microsoft is fighting back with a native Linux sub-system in Windows 10! Here’s how to install it and mercifully use,… Continue reading SSH on Windows 10 – Goodbye PuTTy!

Make a folder its own repo in SVN using svnadmin dump and svndumpfilter

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I’m using Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 with VisualSVN installed (latest version installed 3.6.4 and latest SVN 1.9.7!). An older repo model was to use the following schema: The Client name was the repo and sub-folders were used as the projects. Not good. We decided we needed to clean this up and with an eventual migration… Continue reading Make a folder its own repo in SVN using svnadmin dump and svndumpfilter

Windows 10 Enterprise N Feature Pack with Media Player

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Cannot find the right Media Pack installer for Windows 10? Look no further. You probably tried installing this one (KB3099229_x64.msu): KB3099229  Media Feature Pack for Windows 10 N and Windows 10 KN editions (November 2015) It didn’t work even though it does work from some people prior to April 2017. You now need to install… Continue reading Windows 10 Enterprise N Feature Pack with Media Player

How to connect to Acquia using SSH on Windows

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  Overview This is one method to create a private/public key pair to connect to Acquia via SSH (either console or SFTP). It is a three step process for Windows only using Putty .70 and Puttygen that comes with it (you can try other versions, of course): Ignore any instructions from Acquia – they don’t… Continue reading How to connect to Acquia using SSH on Windows

Get list of hyper-vs and computers in windows active directory

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Here are a couple handy powershell command line scripts to get lists of computers: Get list of virtual machines on a Hyper-V: get-cm > machines.csv Get list of all machines in an Active Directory (second one is delimited): First, install the AD module in powershell: Import-module ActiveDirectory Then: Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Property * | Format-Table… Continue reading Get list of hyper-vs and computers in windows active directory